Chesterfield Community Food Hut

We are 100% donation-based, we don’t receive Fareshare membership or community-funded grants, we understand that during this crisis, we now have working families who are unable to afford food and awaiting benefits. We ARE the stop-gap until you get that food delivery slot, the long-awaited benefits. We CARE. We are proud to say that so far, every single person that has asked for a food parcel, has received one.
During this project, we noted another business in Chesterfield Door 2 Door Taxi’s, out of the goodness of their hearts, they were delivering self-funded food parcels out the elderly, while still trying to run a business and also offering 20% discount to keyworkers. This is where we teamed up. We pack parcels together. We deliver together. Together we are #TeamChesterfield
To date today 20.04.2020 #Teamchesterfield has handed out 1200 food parcels jointly to the WHOLE of Chesterfield, we don’t do boroughs, we do Chesterfield as a whole. Together as ONE. We receive referrals from DCC, Morrisons, Voluntary Action, Social Services and also Community Mental Health teams. These organisations would not ask us if we were not trustworthy. Chesterfield Community Food Hut and Door 2 Door are 100% safe, reliable and trusted.
We deliver out to the vulnerable elderly and people in isolation; our project has NO discrimination. We UNDERSTAND and CARE. Speak to anyone who has dealt with us; professionalism is our motto. You’ll see our volunteers correctly kitted out with PPE. No data is stored. No judgement.
We re-invest 100% of donations back into the community. The fuel in our cars is funded by us personally, NOT YOUR donations. We always welcome donations wherever possible, and to those who have supported us, Volunteered as drivers with us. Chesterfield Community Food Hut & Door 2 Door Taxi’s THANK YOU ALL!!!
Please keep sharing; please keep donating. We won’t let OUR community down.
Chesterfield Community Food Hut
COVID-19 Update
We deliver out to vulnerable elderly people, Deliver to people in isolation, our project has NO discrimination, We UNDERSTAND, We CARE.
Speak to anyone who has dealt with us, professionalism is our motto, Protection is our motto, You’ll see our volunteers correctly kitted out with PPE.
Call Kelly Hall on 07784932115